Fairly recently I got a new laptop computer which came, as is often the case these days, with a series of USB ports but no RS232 serial port connector.
This left me with two totally unrelated problems as far as existing equipment was concerned.
1) The heating control system at church provides monitoring information on an RS232 port as part of its facilities, and it is necessary for us to gather this information on a regular basis. I have been able to purchase a Serial to USB connector cable that provides a virtual serial port as COM 3, but the laptop does not recognise this. Only by using FabulaTech Serial Port Mapper have I been able to map the virtual COM 3 port to the COM 1 port that is available on the laptop mainbord.
2) I use a USB Bluetooth device to provide a virtual serial port for my GPS equipment and software on the same computer. However, the Bluetooth virtual port is on COM 18 so, in a similar way, I have used the FabulaTech Serial Port Mapper to transfer this to the COM 2 port available on the laptop mainboard.

As I was faced with the initial problems, I hunted around on the internet using a browser search engine, and the FabulaTech program was the only one that seemed to do what was required of it.
I therefore downloaded the trial and discovered that it did everything that I was hoping for.
Stephen Carter